

Building a Pipeline: Women and Girls in Leadership: I discuss the various kinds of efforts underway in corporations, politics and government to build a pipeline of well-connected, effective women leaders. Now that California law requires a set percentage of Board members to be women, how are corporations responding?

Unleashing the Potential of Youth: I speak about teaching popular education skills to students which helps them approach and learn from experts and have influence on policy decisions at all levels of government

Virtuous Corporation: Oxymoron or Unavoidable Imperative: Global corporations want and have a say in every aspect of our daily lives. What can local communities ask in return. I cover the state of community-corporate interaction and identify some ways relations and expectations can further evolve 

Campaigning 101 or Civics 101: I provide an interactive, engaging guide on how to run for office or engage in your local community.

Past talks

Civics for Makers: I advised the maker space community on how to influence City Hall to keep the industrial spaces it needs (2020)

Women to Lead: I hosted a panel of elected women leaders about developing a pipeline for up-and-comers (2020)

Lessons in Leadership: I addressed the regional meeting of the Future Business Leaders of America, (2017)

Buh-Bye Polio! Now for the Climate: Rotarians have practically eradicated polio and now they are turning their attention to climate change and environmental protection. I provided an overview of what Rotarians – and any community – can do to reduce or reverse climate impacts.

For inquiries, please contact: nancy@nancysmith.org